Goose Bay Airport (YYR)

The Air Transport Association (IATA) code for Goose Bay Airport is YYR. The name Goose Bay Airport is otherwise known as is Goose Bay. We have provided the GPS location for Goose Bay airport which are as follows 53.31667, -60.41667 to help either your arrival directions to Goose Bay or perhaps give you directions from Goose Bay Airport to your chosen destination.

You can see below selection of flight time’s destinations and which Airline flies from Goose Bay Airport.

DestinationWeekly FlightsDistance
Deer Lake (YDF)12503 Km (313 Miles)
Wabush (YWK)12432 Km (268 Miles)
Nain (YDP)11366 Km (227 Miles)
Halifax (YHZ)11964 Km (599 Miles)
Rigolet (YRG)6174 Km (108 Miles)
Natuashish (YNP)5293 Km (182 Miles)
Gander (YQX)4636 Km (395 Miles)
Blanc Sablon (YBX)3304 Km (189 Miles)
Tampa (TPA)23,349 Km (2,081 Miles)
Cologne (CGN)24,449 Km (2,764 Miles)

Here you can see the busiest Airlines that fly from Goose Bay Airport are PAL Airlines, Air Canada and Germany - Air Force amongst others. They cover 12 flight routes out the total of 17. The busiest which is PAL Airlines covers a total of 58 flights per week out of Goose Bay Airport and goes to 9 destinations. PAL Airlines covers 77 % of all outbound flights out of Goose Bay Airport. PAL Airlines airline offers flights to Deer Lake, Wabush, Nain, Rigolet, Natuashish and Gander International among others.

You can see below a selection of nonstop flights covered from Goose Bay Airport with approximate times

AirlinerDestinationFlight Time (Est)
PAL AirlinesDeer Lake (YDF)1 Hour 24 Minutes
PAL AirlinesWabush (YWK)1 Hour 17 Minutes
PAL AirlinesNain (YDP)1 Hour 5 Minutes
PAL AirlinesRigolet (YRG)31 Minutes
PAL AirlinesNatuashish (YNP)52 Minutes
PAL AirlinesGander (YQX)1 Hour 34 Minutes

Many popular hire car companies are located at Goose Bay airport and are situated either in the Arrivals lounge or very close by. You will need to present a valid driving licence and credit card if you intend to hire a vehicle at Goose Bay airport. The benefit of getting a FREE Goose Bay car hire quote is that you can compare prices of most of the major car companies at Goose Bay Airport before you travel.

Visitor Information - Goose Bay Airport

Airport Information

Address, contact details, lost and found, location map etc...

Airport Name
Goose Bay
Time at Airport
Goose Bay
Phone Number
Location Map
Map of YYR Airport
No. of monthly flights
No. of countries served
Popular Airlines at YYR
  • PAL Airlines
  • Redstar Aviation
  • Starlink Aviation
  • American Airlines
  • Cavok Air
Top Routes
  • Reykjavik
  • Milan
  • Bangor
  • Boston
  • Dallas
  • Free Amendments
  • Free Cancellations
  • No Card Fees
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